

Baby Alpaca: 70%

Silk: 30%

Alpacas are shorn once a year in spring. After shearing, the fleece is roughly cleaned and sorted according to color. The dried wool is then carded; in this process, the loose alpaca fibers are aligned into a strain of Alpaca fleece with a carding machine’s help.

Like sheep, alpacas have thicker awn hair.  These long straight hair located between the undercoat ensure that the fine coat does not become matted. Therefore alpacas should not be brushed; this would destroy their undercoat structure. The awn hair are much coarser than the fine undercoat, and you can card them easily, but you can also sort them out and only use the fine hairs of the undercoat, the final result is the so-called baby alpaca.

After carding, the strains are ready to be spun into yarn with a spinning wheel. Finally, the wool should be washed to remove impurities.  Alpaca wool contains almost no wool grease (lanolin), making it easy to clean. The wool is then ready for sale as knitting wool or further processing.

Measures: 195cm x 65cm